“Research shows that coaching Sales Reps increases their performance and win rates.” Duh. It’s hardly a stretch to imagine how receiving guidance from a seasoned pro can up your game.…
Sales Talent Hiring mistakes to avoid
It’s every Sales Managers’ dream to have a team brimming with A players who shoot the lights out, month after month. In reality, teams comprise mostly B players, with some…
The No 1. Core Sales Competency Required in Covid-19 & Beyond
Take a moment to imagine what your organisation would look like if each of your sales executives were responsible for their own performance and took greater accountability for their results.…
A Sales Etiquette Guide for Remote B2B Selling in the COVID-19 Environment
COVID-19 doesn’t mean we can’t continue to do business, but it is changing how we do business – particularly in the sales environment. I recently had my first online sales…
COVID-19: The Sales Manager’s Guide to Leading in a Crisis
As a sales leader, you’re facing the same stresses and anxieties as your sales team. The difference is that you need to step up to help them. The only way…
Changing the Way Your Sales Teams Work in Covid-19
If COVID-19 has taught the business world anything – it’s that there has never been a more crucial time to change the way we work than right now. Some companies…
How To Hire Hunters And Farmers For The Right Sales Roles
Question: Does your Sales Organisation use an assessment tool specifically developed to identify competitive Hunter and Farmer sales executives – and has this tool proven to be effective in identifying…
Design Incentive Programmes That Motivate Your Entire Sales Force
Question: Has your Sales Organisation designed an incentive programme built on multi-tier sales targets tailored to incentivise star, core and under-performing sales executives, and are your current incentive programmes and…
How To Stop The Ineffective Use Of Sales Executives’ Time From Costing You Millions In Lost Revenue Each Year
Question: Has your Sales Organisation formally defined its expectations of the time usage of your sales executives – and is each sales executive’s diary time usage actively monitored by their…
Test High-Priority Sales Skills Before You Hire
Question: Has your Sales Organisation designed role-plays and exercises to test high-priority skills and traits required for all sales positions – and are the current role-plays and exercises effective in…