Over my three decades in sales I’ve seen many sales managers. The vast majority fall into one of these four types:

1. The Prefect

The Prefect sees their job as one of chronicling activity, taking names, dispensing discipline, focusing on procedures, thinking those are the keys to generating results – or keeping their job.

Prefects tend to be oriented to process, are organised, and have a strong sense of discipline. All admirable characteristics – but they’re misguided. The Prefect makes a great bureaucrat, but a lousy sales manager. He’ll make sure everyone knows their place and that procedure is followed – at the cost of morale and sales.

Although the Prefect is focused on enforcing procedure on subordinates, she feels justified in misleading upper management in reports. She has no intent of letting her subordinates hold her down or put her job in jeopardy. If targets aren’t met, or sales calls made, she can show management why it isn’t her fault.

2. The Visitor

The Visitor is going places – fast. Their current assignment of managing the sales team is considered temporary – an attempt to catch the eye of management.

The Visitor cares about no one other than himself and that translates into demanding sales at all costs. Price is never an obstacle. His message to his team members is get  out and don’t come back without orders. His implied message to the sales team is ‘the quicker you get the numbers, the quicker you get rid of me.’

Need help, advice or coaching? Don’t ask The Visitor because frankly, he doesn’t give a damn. If it isn’t going to help him get the next promotion NOW, forget it.

Have a suggestion? Don’t bother because The Visitor doesn’t plan on being around long enough to implement it anyway. The one thing you can count on from The Visitor is a sales goal he is sure he can easily obliterate. Oh, yeah, management will see those numbers destroyed, guaranteed.

3. The Good Buddy

The Good Buddy is everyone’s friend. Managing is a popularity contest that he intends to win. He’ll be a great drinking buddy, a top notch shoulder to cry on, a guy you can trust to cover for you. He’ll make sure the office is a fun place to be.

Discipline? Well, that’s not something you’ll find in his office. Hitting quota? Something else that isn’t a priority. Coaching? Nope. Lots of back slapping and high fiving, but no coaching. Decisions? Don’t expect The Good Buddy to make the hard decisions because he might hurt someone’s feelings.

The Good Buddy is weak and lets his team members run the office. Ultimately, almost everyone in his office ends up unhappy.

4.  The Super Closer

We all know the Super Closer – the guy or gal who believes they can close anyone, anytime. They generally have a massive ego, a strong sales history, an A type personality, and little respect for their sales team. The Super Closer sees their charges as grunts who know nothing about sales and whose only job is to go out, work through the chaff to find the prospect, then call in The Super Closer and watch the master work.

The Super Closer is concerned with one thing and one thing only. Getting today’s numbers. She’s never missed a quota and she’s not going to start now. If you suckers can’t get the business – and God knows you can’t, she’ll close it for you.

Her sales team doesn’t have to worry about anything except getting her in front of a prospect. Planning? Reports to management?  All they care about are quotas being met,  so she’ll tell them what they want to hear and then make it happen.

These managers have developed their own definition of a manager because:

They misunderstand the nature of their position.

Most companies don’t train their new sales managers. The assumption is that good sales people will know what to do. Consequently, most companies simply instruct new sales people to call their manager if they have questions, and maybe give them a brief introduction to the paperwork.

They believe that today is more important than future days.

Get today’s numbers today and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. This often comes from a demand by management – stated or unstated – that numbers be met today. Many senior managers mouth a long-term growth philosophy while demanding numbers be made today so they get their bonus – and to hell with tomorrow.

They aren’t manager material to begin with.

A great sales person will not necessarily be a great manager. Often great sales people make terrible managers. They know what they are good at and want to continue being the sales superstar but with a management title. Converting to be a real manager is impossible for some of these sales stars.

They can’t make the adjustment from being one of the group to being the leader of the group.

They want the new position but they don’t want their relationships to change.

The Sales leader

Fortunately, there is a fifth type of sales manager – the real deal. Currently it is common for sales managers at all levels to be called ‘Sales leaders.’ Nice title that doesn’t fit most managers. A true sales leader is different from those described before.
The true sales leader:

  • Isn’t focused on today but on planning for the future with the intent of moulding the future instead of being moulded by it
  • Is looking to coach their team to stardom, rather than be The Star
  • Manages through demonstration and inspiration, not intimidation or fear
  • Is a student, open to suggestion, criticism, advice and education
  • Leads by being trustworthy and demonstrating integrity and honesty.
  • Team members may not like the sales leader’s decisions, but know their decisions are honest and based on what the Sales leader believes is best for the team.
  • Is a decision-maker, not afraid to make hard decisions and take the consequences.

The Making of a Sales Leader

A sales leader doesn’t just happen, but is created, formed and developed. The development starts with the selection of the new manager. Traditionally companies have viewed sales management more as a reward for production than as a critical job in its own right. What makes a great manager isn’t what makes a great sales person.

The relationship building, communication, planning and organisational needs are different. Unless a company is seeking a Super Closer or a Visitor, promoting a top producer may not be a wise idea. Although the management problems start with the selection of the new manager, more important is the ‘training’ most new managers undergo – none.

One of the most common training formats companies have is a day or two training on hiring and firing procedures and how to fill out payroll paperwork. Questions are referred to their managers, with limited satisfaction. Soon they realise they’re on their own to sink or swim. No wonder they have no idea how to be a leader.

To create a sales leader companies must invest in their new manager. They must either create a multi-disciplinary, in-house management programme or hire an outside company. In addition, each new manager needs a coach.

Each new manager must be schooled in the skills of management, but more importantly, guided in the role and skills of leadership. Filling out paperwork, creating a sales plan, assigning territories, and resolving issues with shipping are all important. But far more important to the success of the company and the sales team is getting the most out of team members, developing team members who have the desire to succeed, and who are willing to invest the time and effort to be the best. These aren’t instilled by a manager; they’re brought out by a leader.
